Walk in with Gold, Walk out with Money.
Gold loan act as the quickest and easiest way to get funds for business or personal requirements. With attractive schemes, easy repayment options and lowest interest rates, Lakshmikrupa Urban
Nidhi Limited, one of the leading Nidhi Companies in Solapur offers a hassle-free experience to avail gold loan. Anyone who is the member of Lakshmikrupa Urban Nidhi Limited and owns gold
ornaments can apply for it.
Our products are well tailored not only to the income group of the member, but to relevant considerations like how much loan members would like to avail against jewellery, and their comfort levels
with respect to the interest rate and periodicity of repayment of interest and principal. With Lakshmikrupa Urban Nidhi Limited, you can apply for a gold loan and get the available credit
disbursed in your account anytime anywhere in just a few minutes.
Lakshmikrupa Urban Nidhi Limited offers loans at attractive interest rates with higher loan eligibility and lower EMI. Call us on our helpdesk no.: +91-8856071515 or visit our office.